indian cinema heritage foundation

Satyakam (1969)

  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time128 min
  • Length4479.95 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number60018
  • Certificate Date18/12/1969
  • Shooting LocationShree Sound Studios, Mehboob Studios, Rajkamal Kalamandir, Filmistan Studios, Rooptara Studios

1. “One can sacrifice everything for truth, but cannot sacrifice Truth for anything in the world” - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

 2. “To me, God is Truth and Love”                      – GANDHIJI

 3. “Truth is great but greater still is the truthful living”.     – GURU NANAK

SATYAPRIYA came from a long line of Truth seekers. When he was born, his mother died and his father became a Sanyasi. SATYA was brought up by his grandfather, a saintly Sanskrit scholar. SATYA graduated as an engineer when our Country was becoming independent. He started his career as an ardent believer that once our country, becomes free from slavery. There would be no corruption, no hunger, no humiliation. As an engineer, he would participate in rebuilding our great and glorious country. Rooted deeply in the tradition, faith, and culture, SATYA considered himself a representative of God, endowed with responsibilities of pursing Truth and Justice. But struggles came SATYA’s way as the world around him was too immature; centuries of slavery, greed for money and power had debased its character and was unable to match the aspirations of this great soul. SATYA’S love life was also a strange one. When he took up a job in a princely state, he met RANJANA  a luckless girl who was suffering from the lapses of her mother and was almost on the point of losing herself in an equally disgraceful life. She had come to SATYA for protection. He was not aware of RANJANA’S dangers. Later, he learned that his refusal had brought a calamity to RANJANA. She had become a prey to the Prince’s passions. SATYA married her but was not even allowed the bliss of normal conjugal love. The night of shame had brought RANJANA motherhood which haunted their love with the reminder of her past.

SATYA accepted the son as his own but this was too much for the grandfather to allow an illegitimate, to be included in their long, unblemished sacred lineage. But who are the real descendants? Whether those who carry the forefather’s blood in their veins or those who carry forward our values? As Rishi Gautam of our Upanishads had honorably accepted Jabala’s son SATYAKAM to his own sacred Ashram, so did the grand old man later accept RANJANA’A son as the forebearer of their great tradition.

 (From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director